Channel 10's top bosses have told employees that the network won't be celebrating Australia Day and that they are welcome to come to work rather than take time off.
The decision by Channel 10's parent company, Paramount ANZ, to cancel Australia Day celebrations and dismiss the importance of this special day to Australians is disrespectful and unacceptable. It shows they are willing to put their own political agenda before respecting the wishes of the Australian people.
Here’s what a few Australians are saying about this issue.
'Let's boycott Channel 10, if you don't celebrate Australia you are celebrating 90 per cent of the country.’'
'So, let me get this straight. A TV company owned by Americans and run by an Irish woman (Beverley McGarvey) are telling us what to think about our national day?' - Rob McKnight
'Channel 10 really needs to devote more time to programming and less to virtue signalling.' - Peter Ford
It is time we send a message to Channel 10 and their parent company Paramount ANZ. We must stand together and Boycott left wing media like Channel 10 in order to protect our national holiday, Australia Day.
Australia Day is something all Australians have the right to celebrate without fear of retribution or judgement from overseas companies who know nothing about our culture. Join us in standing up for Australia Day!
Join the thousands of people signing this petition to send a message.
I urge you to explain your position and allow Australians the freedom to celebrate our National Holiday without fear of reprisal.
Thousands of Australians are already boycotting your station, and it should send you a strong signal that Australians won't allow any organisation—be it foreign or domestic—to trivialise or ignore our national day of celebration. We must show you that we will not be bullied into silence on matters of patriotism and national pride.
Thank you for your consideration.
Authorised by Andrew Cooper, Conservative Political Action Network Ltd, 82 Boundary St, Brisbane City QLD 4000
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