This week we held our first organising committee meetings with groups from Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. We had a great turnout - people who, like you, want to see more conservatives gathering together in their cities. These are people to whom 'values matter', people who are prepared to speak out and won't be bullied into silence.
And this is just the beginning!
CPAC is expanding across the country - not only will we host our flagship CPAC Conference in Brisbane on September 20-21, we are also touring high-profile international speakers to multiple cities later this year. We already have two major speakers confirmed, and we'll be announcing more soon once we have the details in place.
To make this happen, we need you.
We need organisers, venue coordinators, people with marketing experience and event-day volunteers. It doesn't matter if you have run events before (although that helps!) - what really matters is your willingness to step up and help us make a difference.
It's not to late to put your hand up - if you'd like to be part of it, please feel free to apply here.
Our organising committees will be grouped into the major capital cities and will have the autonomy to work collaboratively to turn our speaker tours into reality.
Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne are just the start. We're rolling out committees in Perth, Adelaide and beyond. If your state isn't on the list yet, don't worry - we'll be expanding soon, so don't hesitate to reach out and
CPAC has always brought people together, challenged the status quo, and made an impact. Brisbane will be another incredible conference, but this is just the beginning. Help us take CPAC across the country!
Yours in liberty,
Andrew Cooper
Founder & National Director
Discount codes can be applied once you
select your ticket type.
Authorised by Andrew Cooper, Conservative Political Action Network Ltd, 82 Boundary St, Brisbane City QLD 4000
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